Faculty involvement in various Research Projects
- Bishnu K Sharma, Musadiq H Bhat, Amit Kuma, Mufida Fayaz and Ashok K Jain (2018). Diversity, distribution pattern and utilization of bamboo in Sikkim. NEBIO, 9(1):18-27.
- Bishnu K Sharma and John Bhutia (2020) Diversity of Pollinators/ Visitors in Namchi, South Sikkim, India, The Journal of Ecology: 113 (2020) 487-498.
- John Bhutia and Bishnu K Sharma (2020). Diversity of butterfly in South District of Sikkim, Life Sciences Leaflets 123: 12-28.
- John Bhutia, Pamina Chettri and Bishnu K Sharma (2020). A preliminary survey of bird communities of South Sikkim, India, International Journal of Zoology Studies 5 (6): 04-10.
- Bishnu K Sharma and Lokesh Chettri (2020). Some General-Social, Economic, History, Geo-Political and Cultural Aspects of Sikkim (India): A Review. International Journal of Arts and Social Science, 3 (5):170-196.
- Pamina Chettri, John Bhutia and Bishnu K Sharma (2021). An overview study of birds in south Sikkim (India). International Journal of Zoology Studies 6 (2): 12-17.
- Bishnu K Sharma and John Bhutia (2021). Threatened animals of Sikkim (Mammals, Birds and Reptiles)-A review. NeBIO 12(2).
- Lokesh Chettri and Bishnu K Sharma (2021). Some Traditional folk songs and dances of Sikkim Himalayas. Int. Res. Journal, 8(2): 30-44.
- Bishnu K Sharma and Ashok K Jain (2021). Ethnobotany of Sikkim: A review. International Research Journal of Biological Sciences. 10(4):1-6.
- Chuzing Lepcha and Bishnu K Sharma (2021): Diversity of Ficus L. (Moraceae) and its uses in Sikkim Himalayas (India). International Journal of Botany and Research 11(2): 39-56
- Pamina Chettri, Bishnu K Sharma and John Bhutia (2021) Enumeration of Birds Species in South District of Sikkim. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Growth Evaluation 3(1): 282-295.
Foraging Strategy and Guild Structure of Avifauna in Sikkim, Eastern Himalaya, India
Efficient metal-free visible light photocatalytic aromatization of azaheterocyles
- Nar Maya Subba and Dewan Rai (2022). “Online Education in Post-COVID era from Teachers Perspective: Challenges and Way Forward”. Contemporary Trends and Issues in Education, Volume 2, Issues 1.
- Tanka Prasad Dhungel (2021).“History of Agricultural Development in Sikkim”. International Journal of Research Publication and Review, Vol. 2, 10, pp. 960-970. ISSN 2582-7421 www.ijrpr.com
- Shanti Tamang, “Women Social Entrepreneurship and Self-Help Group: A Review and Concept Paper”.
- Tanka Prasad Dhungel (2021-22). “Mountain Agriculture and Food Security in Sikkim”. Volume- VIII, Issue 9. ISSN 2277-7067.
- Yugal Kishore Khanal et al., (2021). “Equity in Access in Senior Secondary Education in Sikkim”. International Journal of Management and Applied Science, Volume-7, Issue-3, ISSN: 2394-7926 http://irag.in
- Ananta Rai et al, (2021).“Epidemiological Study of Snakebite Cases in Sikkim: Risk modeling with regard to the habitat suitability of common venomous snakes”. PLoS Negl Trop Dis 15(11): e0009800.https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0009800.
- Royal Rai (2021). “Hydro Power Projects and Rongkups of Sikkim Himalayas: and Intricate Issue”. International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Vol (2), Issue (9). page 1095-1101. ISSN 2582-7421 www.ijrpr.com
- Royal Rai (2021). “Namchi Siddhesvara Dham: A Unique Pilgrimage Tourism Venture of Sikkim”. Volume 8, Issue 3 (E-ISSN 2348-1269, P-ISSN 2349-5138) www.ijrar.org.
- Uden Lhamu Bhutia “Uncovering the Changing Cultural Traditions Amid COVID-19 in the State of Sikkim”.
- Panu Pazo (2021). “China’s Hydro Power Infrastructure Development along the Yarlung Tsangpo in Tibet: Ecological and Demographic Implications for lower Riparian Regions of Northeast India”. KW publisher pvt.ltd 4676/21, first floor, Ansari road Daryaganj, New Delhi 110 002. ISBN 978-93-83445-55-4.
- Bhim Prasad Limboo (2021). “YAKTHUNG SUWANG:O MANGHA-MANGTHIM/The Worship and Rituals in Limboo Community”, ISBN: 978-93-88656-82-5.
- Bhim Prasad Limboo (2018). “Suwang:o Yongdang Phongma”, Emeythasung Magazine ISBN: 9789384077761.
- Sanjaya Kumar Subba, “A Case Study on Anchor Investment and IPO Returns in India”.
- Sanjaya Kumar Subba and S.S. Mahapatra, “Amchar Investment and Post-listing price performance of IPOS: evidence from India, Indian Accounting Review. Article 1.
- Sanjaya Kumar Subba and S.S. Mahapatra “Anchor Investment and IPO Returns in India: Orissa Journal of Commerce, UGC.care listed.
- Sanjaya Kumar Subba“Profitability of Cymbidium Cat Flower in Sikkim International Journal of Marketing Financial Service.
- Tsewang Gyatso Bhutia (2021).“My Village, my Family, A monthly Magazine. Volume xx, No. 8, Independence Day Special Issue.
- Chewang Doma Bhutia (2018). “Effect of Different Intensity Aerobic Dance Routines on Selected Body Composition Psychological Lipid Profile and Endourine Variables in Over Weight and Obese Adulthood Women”.
- Chewang Doma Bhutia et al, (2015).“Effect of Physical Exercise Programme on Gross Motor Function of Children with Cerebral Palsy”. African Journal of Physical, Health Education, Recreation and Dance (AJPHERD) pp 1-13.
- Chewang Doma Bhutia & R. Ram Mohan Sigh (2015). “Effect of Physical Activity on Gross Motor Development among Anganwadi Children International Research Journal on Health Fitness and Sport Sciences, Volume-3, Issue-2, pp 35-38.
- Chewang Doma Bhutia (2016). “Effect of Physical Exercise Programme on Object Control Skills in Preschool Children- Research Ambition- An International Multidisciplinary e-journal 1(1), pp-76-84.
- Chewang Doma Bhutia (2017). “Effect of Different Intensity Aerobic Dance and Total Cholesterol and Triglyceride in Overweight and Obese Adulthood Women International Journal of Physiology, Nutrition and Physical Education 2 (1) pp380-389.
- Bhim Prasad Limboo (2019). “Yakthung Sappan/Limboo Language”. Volume 19, Ani-lakkhum Magazine. (Limbo Poem).
- Bhim Prasad Limboo (2022) “Limbo Language and Literature”. Volume-01, Nali, Fungwa Magazine (Research Article).
- Bhim Prasad Limboo,“Yakthung Sappan Nu Sapsok Thebo Chokmepmo Yakthung Mundhumlen Nunamay/ The Role Of Limboo Mundhum For The Develepment Of Limboo Language and Literature “Vol-01 Nali-Fungwa Magazine.
- Bhim Prasad Limboo (2019). “YakthungSappan / Limbo Language” Vol- 19 Ani-Lakkhum Magazine (Limbo Poem).