College Area: 31 Acre
Total no. of Faculties: 102
Total no. of Office Staff: 51
Total no. of UG Department: 19
Total no. of PG Department: 03
Total no. of Class Room (UG/PG): 29
Total no. of UG Students: 3011
Total no. of PG Students: 89
Teacher Students Ratio (UG):  1:30
Teacher Students Ratio (PG): 1:6
Total no. of PhD Faculties: 21
Total no. of M. Phil Faculties: 19
Total no. of NET/SLET Faculties: 18
Total no. of Book Volume (in Library): 11819
Total no. of Research Publication: 2019-2022:
Multipurpose Hall: 01
IGNOU Room: 01
Total no. of Laboratory: 07
GIS/RS Lab.: 01
Computer Lab.: 02
College Library: 01
Departmental Library: 11
Girls Hostel: 01
Boys Hostel: 01
Principal Quarter: 01
Staff Quarter (Teachers): 02
Office Quarter (C-Grade):01
Office Quarter (D-Grade): 01
Football Ground: 01
Volleyball Ground: 01
Canteen: 01
Science Building (Under Construction): 01
Food Court (Under Construction): 01
Herbal/Botanical Garden (Under Construction): 01
NCC-2-Battalions (1SK-Girls/4SK NCC Bn.): 01
NSS Unit: 01