Educational tour to Maenam Bhaleydhunga trek, South Sikkim

Date: 3rd– 4th Nov, 2022

Department of Zoology

Sikkim Government College, Namchi

Maenam Bhaleydhunga trek, South Sikkim is located in Maenam Wildlife Sanctuary with an altitude of 3100m (approx.), the trek distance is about 11km. The Sanctuary treasures diverse varieties of medicinal plants and herbs and also shelters Himalayan brown bear, Red Panda, Goral, Serow, Barking Deer, Marbles- Cat, Leopard cat, Black Eagle, Magpies, and many other animals of the temperate forest. Ahead of Maenam lies the highest point known as Bhaleydhunga from where we can see the picturesque view of mount Kanchendzonga.

The Department of Zoology organized an educational tour to Maenam Bhaleydhunga trek Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Namthang South Sikkim 3rd- 4th Nov, 2022. We took 44 students who were accompanied by three faculty members. The journey started around 6:30 am from Sikkim Government College, Namchi and we reached Rabong the base of our trek around 9 am. We were received by Mr. Til Bahadur Subba, DFO South Sikkim who briefed the students on rules to be followed inside the sanctuary. He also gave some tips to the students regarding safe hike. We also met with Mr. Sagar Rai the guide for the trek who along with faculty members distributed tent for the students. The trek started around 9:30am and we reached the camping site around 1pm. The students were divided into groups for various activities such as collection of firewood, pitching of tent, cooking, fetching of water, etc.

In the evening the students visited Historical Bhuddhist Monastry called Maenam Gumpa on the top ridge of the sanctuary that was established in 1969 which is considered a sacred place. From there everyone witness the beautiful sunset. At night all the students helped to prepare dinner. The night was filled with bonfire and songs.

In the morning around 4:30am all the students along with faculty members went down from the camp site to the highest point of Maenam hill called Bhaleydhunga. All the students were gathered to witness the mountain range and beautiful sunrise.

The group than returned to the camp site, where all had breakfast. Around 9am most of the packing was done, the group was then assembled where the students were addressed by Miss Jacinta Sharma and Dr. Kamal Poudyal Faculties of Dept. of Zoology. The group left the camp site around 10am of 4th Nov 2022 and hiked down to Rabong where delicious lunch was ready in Hotel Panda, Buddha Park for all the students and faculties.

All left for Namchi around 3:30pm. The trek was a memorable and new experience for the students.

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