It is my immense pleasure to inform you that one of our college students Junior Under Officer Sher Bahadur Dahal (3rd Semester Political Science Honours) participated in RDC 2023 held at DG NCC New Delhi from 1st of Jan to 29th of Jan 2023 on the occasion of Republic Day. He represented West Bengal and Sikkim Dte as a Best Cadet SD Army Wings where he had to compete with Cadets from other 16 Directorates from all over India.
The selection procedure of the prestigious event started from the month of Sep 2022 and lasted till Dec 2022. During this month he went through various selection procedures including IBC, Pre IGC, IGC, and Pre RDC1 and 2.
He was also the Winner of the Best Cadet Inter Group Competition 2023 of West Bengal and Sikkim Dte SD Army Wings.
In Delhi, he Participated in various events Such as
• Best Cadets Competition And Youth Exchange Program ( YEP)
In BC he competed in various events
- Written Examination
- Firing
- Drill ( Squad Drill And DST)
- Communication Skills And ADG interview
• Cultural (Ballet And NIAP)
• Flag Area Briefing
• PM Rally 2023
He also gets a golden opportunity to meet with
Honourable Vice President of India, Prime Minister, Defense Minister, Chief of Army, Navy, and Airforce.
Along with others Officers of the Indian Armed Forces.
He has expressed his sincere gratitude towards the Principal, Vice Principal, Dean of student affairs, and all faculty members.